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V.E.T. Net Claim a County

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Mongolia V.E.T Net NGO (further referred as V.E.T. Net) is one national organization with two primary divisions, Education Department and Veterinary Medicine Department. This time we are presenting our Education Department or Teacher Team ministry. CVM is and has been faithfully involved from 1999 to the present by supporting our countryside trainings by sending short term mission teams and supporting us in these various activities.

Claim a County is a project and ministry that reaches out to people with the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ through spring community trainings, summer school, kindergarten vacation Bible School, fall community trainings that use character trainings and specialized trainings to help the rural children and their parents. Every year, we have about 100 part time first generation Christian teachers and teacher students joining V.E.T. Net to serve as summer school teachers, where they are enabled to share their faith with these rural people.

A core component of Claim a County is its summer school program. This is the primary time we make contact with local people and begin sharing the Gospel. Through this initiative, many have learned not only to read and write Mongolian, speak English and utilize computers. They have also received Jesus into their lives. The Claim a County Program lasts for three years in one county before V.E.T. Net moves on to the next usually adjacent county. At that point, some counties are spiritually self-sustaining, and all need continued mentoring from our discipleship and leadership training program named Watering with the Word (it will be referred to as WWW).