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Dr. Davis and Mary Kay McGuirt

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Who We Are

Davis and Mary Kay have been married 30 years and have 4 grown children. They met at a vet clinic in NC where Davis worked for 4 years after graduating vet school (UGA '90). They came to Christ in 1992 after a long search for the important things in life, which led Davis to Seminary and receiving his MDiv in 1996. The McGuirts worked for a couple of years in NC in church planting with the NAMB before Davis began teaching at a Christian College in NY for 3 years and then for 19 years at Liberty University in VA. In those 23 years of college teaching Davis worked with many international students and saw many young people go to vet school as Pre-vet Advisor. Davis continued to work another 13 years part-time at small animal vet clinics.

Davis and Mary Kay have always had a thirst for God's Word, and the Lord spoke to them in 2022 through the book of Exodus, that they would be moving into full-time missions. They began working with the pastors and elders of their sending church to discern a location. They learned of CVM at the VMMA Conference in 2023 and began conversations with the CVM Missions team, which culminated in a discernment trip to Uganda in November of 2023. They are excited to accept God's invitation to join Him there.

Our Work

Davis will be working to start a School of Ministry for Ugandan pastors, serving the southern and western part of the country. There they will train workers to evangelize and make disciples all over Uganda, the surrounding countries, and beyond, while also discipling people themselves at their partner church. Mary Kay will be helping to support the local church ministries and the School of Ministry. They will both be focused on learning the culture and language of the area.

Our Partner

The McGuirts will be working with Calvary Chapel Buwama Uganda, helping Pastor Jjagwe Charles and his dear wife Levenia. Their sending church is Calvary Chapel Lynchburg Virginia.

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